1. Mental freedom
2. Identifying your skills
· What is a skill
· How to assess your skills
· Your qualifications and training
· Job related skills
· Specialist skills
· Generalist skills
· Other generalist skills sets could be
· Identifying the skills an employer wants
· Transferable skills
3. Steps to good decision making
· Identify Your Goal
· Gather Information for Weighing Your Options
· Consider the Consequences
· Make Your Decision
· Evaluate Your Decision
4. Get started with your life
· Stop Making Excuses
· Set Goals
· Create A Routine
· Hold Yourself Accountable
· Track Your Progress
· Failure Is Integral To Success
· Exercise
While professional accomplishments can be one piece of the puzzle, it leaves out many other important areas of life. Family, romantic relationships, academics, and athletics are just a few areas where people may strive for success. Your individual definition of what success is may vary, but many might define it as being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy, and loved.
It is the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be. So what can you do to boost your chances of achieving these things? What are some of the habits of successful people?
There is no single right way to be successful. What works for you might not work for someone else. There may not be a perfect combination of ingredients that can guarantee success, but there are some basic steps you can follow that can improve your chances of being successful in life, love, work, or whatever happens to be important to you. This book will help you reach your destiny.
Living in a chaotic world can be a huge struggle especially when a man fails to disengage himself to other people’s legacy and superiority. A man will be losing ownership over his central control system and allow other human beings with the same capacity as his, to use the external environment as the remote to monitor his mental freedom and be a weapon to their success and development.
There are different ways to figure out whether you are someone’s weapon for success or you own your central control system thus balancing the impact between your external and internal world. Overthinking can be indicative of this struggle; if the external world dominates your mental system, it allows others to make decisions and suggest the principles and policies to guide you run your life using the external environment as the remote to control your life.
The internal locus of control drives us to actively fulfill the purpose we have set for ourselves. Feeling weak causes us to rely on external factors to dictate our drive. Ultimately, the problem is that we begin to live in a mental prison where we have little control over anything. And if the problem is mental prison then, consequently, the solution is mental freedom.
Mental freedom begins with detaching yourself from all of the emotions, ideals, definitions, and standards you learned growing up. Language is manmade and objects aren’t born with names, they are assigned terms. We Africans hang our hopes on economic development playing a large role in allowing us to reclaim our history from the West, but which comes first, understanding of our own history or economic development and discovery of the real natural wealth around us? Is real economic development even feasible without a grasp of history?
Think about what your name means to you. Then assign yourself a different name for a moment. It is difficult to consider the person you currently are with a different name. It is also uncomfortable.
This is what it means to detach yourself from all of the labels you are assigned. In not giving power to these labels, we are able to act outside of what our labels expect us to be. For example, if you are considered intelligent, you probably feel obligated to fulfill this role and have difficulty accepting and enjoying other roles such as weird, creative, and clumsy.
The solution to this isn’t to ignore these labels but to explore their effects on us. People are very reactive and opinionated toward others’ actions and beliefs. It is not others’ actions and beliefs that we struggle with, it is what those actions and beliefs say about us.
For example, criticism is hard to take even when it is given with the best intention. We tend to become defensive because we mistakenly perceive the critic as being a danger. The actual danger, however, is that it is uncomfortable for someone to see flaws in us. We are raised to believe that in order to survive we must strive to be perfect. Consequently, we have learned to be cautious with our vulnerabilities.
In criticism, it’s very clear to see how external people affect us internally. It is not what other people say about us that defines who we are, it is how we react that defines who we are. People are their own set of emotions and beliefs. They will act and say things as a direct reflection of what they are experiencing.
For example, a supervisor is very strict with his (or her) employees. He constantly is setting high expectations and punishing employees when these standards are not met. This suggests that this supervisor is struggling with being too strict on himself and is projecting this struggle onto the workers.
The workers’ reactions say more about who they are than the actual situation does. If a worker developed low self-esteem and depression following the incident, this suggests that the person’s self is highly determined by others’ evaluations.
Interactions with people are an exchange of reactions. Sometimes these reactions are triggers to our unresolved issues. When others say something that cause an angry reaction, they have discovered an unaddressed sore spot. In exploring why this situation has triggered us, we are able to consciously explore what lies in our subconscious mind.
Unfortunately, we aren’t quick to explore our reaction when we have these types of interactions. As soon as others trigger a reaction, we are quick to prove our point and dismiss their arguments. These interactions can be helpful — people who trigger reactions can be productive for us because they will teach us things we didn’t know were a problem for us. Ultimately, we don’t have to act on our emotions and reactions; we just have to understand why they are there.
It is important that you identify and appreciate what you consider to be your skills, abilities and personal qualities. Only when you do this can you then confidently demonstrate these on your CV and be able to market yourself effectively to potential employers.
An added advantage of assessing yourself is that you will be able to identify your weaknesses, and thereby plan to improve and upgrade them.
Being able to communicate your work experience and knowledge to an employer and also match their requirements is vital for successful job hunting. By using a little time and effort to assess yourself it will be easier later on for you to match and demonstrate your abilities to the needs of recruiters.
What is a skill
A skill is something that you are good at doing, it could come naturally to you or be something you have learnt through experience or training. Having the right skills can go a long way to helping you get the job you want.
How to assess your skills
Start off by creating a list on a piece of paper of what you believe you are good at. Do this by reviewing your current and previous jobs and listing particular career skills you have gained, put them under different topics headings.
List what you have achieved to date and those points you feel you did well in and can demonstrate, give examples of and also prove.
Your qualifications and training
List in detail all of the training and qualifications that you have gained. Academic qualifications are a demonstration of your abilities and there a asset that can help you when applying for jobs.
Job related skills
these are pretty self-explanatory, if you have a skill that is related to the job you are after then highlight it. A very simple example of this would be if you were a experienced architect and was going to apply for a architects vacancy.
Specialist skills
if you are a specialist on one particular or have a particular expertise then focus on that.
Generalist skills
these are qualities that most people could have, but which you could mention to show yours are better than others. A good example of this would be communication skills, for instance if you were an architect you could say you:-
· Having the ability to relay technical data to non-technical work colleagues.
Other generalist skills sets could be:-
· Problem solving.
· Critical thinking.
· Able to work as part of a team.
· Ability to promote change.
· Organizational skills.
· Able to develop ideas.
For instance if you are a sales person then you would create a heading under ‘sales skills’. Then under this you would review all of the sales jobs you’ve had in your career and the different products or services you have sold. So if you were employed in Company A selling car insurance, then you would list ‘car insurance sales’ as one of your strengths.
Identifying the skills an employer wants
Look at the job advert and read it carefully, look for keywords that describe the skills and capabilities that a employer is expecting from an applicant. Then build and develop your CV or covering letter around the relevant skills that are required and highlight them in your CV. If in your resume you can demonstrate to an employer that you have the qualities and capabilities they are looking for then you have a good chance of being successful in your application.
Transferable skills
These are skills in one particular work environment that you can take with you from one employer to another. For instance if you are a motor mechanic and work in a garage then you can get a job in another garage and of course you will take your skills with you. So you have in effect transferred them from one workplace to another one. Below are a list of some transferable skills:
· Reporting information.
· Speaking effectively.
· Providing feedback.
· Defining needs
· Motivating.
· Decision making.
· Enforcing policies.
· Each day we are faced with situations in life that require us to make choices. Some of these choices are easy, and at times, some of them can be difficult. Easy decisions consist of things like what clothing you should wear; most people choose what to wear based on the season of the year, the weather of the day, and where they might be going. Other easy decisions consist of things like what to eat, what movie to see, and what television programs to watch.
Decisions that seem to be the most difficult are those that require a deeper level of thought. Examples of difficult decisions consist of things like where to attend college, what career path would be best, and/or whether or not to marry and start a family. These types of decisions are difficult because they are life changing decisions; they shape who we are, and they shape our future.
Making good decisions is a method that must be learned. It is not something with which we are innately born, but merely a step by step process that is usually ascertained from life experience. Most adults know that experience can be a costly, ineffective teacher that teaches more bad habits than good; and because decisions can vary so obviously from one situation to the next, the experience gained from making one important decision is often times of little or no use when another decision-making problem arises.
When decision making, there are many steps that can be taken; but when making good decisions there are really only five steps that need to be considered. These steps are as follows:
· Step 1: Identify Your Goal
· One of the most effective decision making strategies is to keep an eye on your goal. This simply means identifying the purpose of your decision by asking yourself what exactly is the problem that needs to be solved? And why does this problem need to be solved?
Figuring out what's most important to you will help you make good decisions. When you know the reason why you have making a particular decision; it will better serve you in staying with it, and defending it.
· Step 2: Gather Information for Weighing Your Options
· When making good decisions it is best to gather necessary information that is directly related to the problem. Doing this will help you to better understand what needs to be done in solving the problem, and will also help to generate ideas for a possible solution.
When gathering information it is best to make a list of every possible alternative; even ones that may initially sound silly or seem unrealistic. Always seek the opinions of people that you trust or speak to experts and professionals, because it will help you to come up with a variety of solutions when weighing all your options for a final decision. You will want to gather as many resources as possible in order to make the best decision.
· Step 3: Consider the Consequences
· This step can be just as important as step one because it will help you determine how your final decision will impact yourself, and/or others involved. In this step, you will be asking yourself what is likely to be the results of your decision. How will it affect you now? And how will it affect your future?
This is an essential step because it allows you to review the pros and cons of the different options that you listed in the previous step. It is also important because you want to feel comfortable with all your options and the possible outcome of whichever one you choose.
· Step 4: Make Your Decision
· Now that you have identified your goal, gathered all necessary information, and weighed the consequences, it is time to make a choice and actually execute your final decision. Understanding that this step can cause some people a lot of anxiety is important because this is where you have to trust your instincts.
Although you may still be slightly indecisive about your final decision, you have to take into account how this makes you feel. Ask yourself, does it feel right? And does this decision work best for you now, and in the future? When you answer those questions back, you should feel good about the result.
· Step 5: Evaluate Your Decision
· Once you have made your final decision and put it into action, it is necessary to evaluate the decision and the steps you have taken to ensure that it works. This final step is probably just as important as step one, if not more important, because it will help you to further develop your decision making skills for future problems. This step is also fundamental because it may require you to seek out new information and make some changes along the way.
Remember, this step requires some patience and it can also encourage perseverance. Why? Because it may take some time to see the final outcome. Recognizing that if the first decision is not working, you may have to go back to step two and choose another option.
Always looking for and anticipating unexpected problems will help alleviate undue stress, if and when a problem occurs. Although these five steps can help assist in simplifying the decision-making process, there are some common drawbacks that you must also take into account. Consider these:
· Misidentifying The Problem
· Many times the problem will be obvious; but there may come a time when identifying the main problem is not that easy. When this issue arises, figuring out exactly what it is, and where you need to focus your efforts will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.
· Having a Single Source
· When considering the consequences, you must be open to a broad choice of alternatives in order to find the best solution. This can become a problem if you rely solely on a single source of information because that one source may not b reliable, or may not be completely in line with the problem; thus altering your chances of making the best decision.
· Having Too Many Sources
· Having a variety of sources is usually not a bad thing; but not in every situation. Collecting as much information as possible can be very helpful at arriving to a decision, but an overload of information can leave you confused and misguided, and prevents you from following your intuition. Remember, trusting your gut instincts is a major key to making good decisions.
· Overestimating the Outcome
· When making a decision and putting your plan into action you should have taken care to weigh all your valid options. Making a decision based upon an outcome that may not be plausible will not help you solve the problem.
· Poor Timing
· Time can be a futile friend. Sometimes it is good, and sometimes it is not. When making major decisions, it beneficial to take your time in order to make the best choice from your options. But understanding the timing process is crucial because sometimes it is best to delay a decision, and other times delaying a response can cause more problems. There are also times when making a quick decision is advantageous because it allows you more time to make necessary changes should problems arise.
In summary we all have to make many decisions throughout our daily lives. Some of these decisions require little effort, while others require more time and deeper thought before coming to a final solution. Remember, there are five basic steps to good decision making. Why is those five the ideal number? Because a significant part of decision making skills is understanding and knowing a simple technique; and also regularly practicing that technique.
When there are more steps than we can count on one hand, most people tend to either forget a step, or misconstrue the order in which the steps must be taken. If you follow these five steps, and also remember the common pitfalls previously addressed, you will be well on your way to making good decisions for yourself.
1. Stop Making Excuses
Excuses are what hold you back, and they are almost always the only thing between you and your goal. Identify the excuses you make, and figure out a way to prevent making those excuses. Spending too much time on social media?. Watching too much television? Work where you do not have access to a TV. Can't find the motivation to go to the gym or go for a run? Force yourself to go, and promise yourself you can work as hard as you want once you arrive- but you have to go. Come up with strategies to combat your excuses, and ways to force yourself to make changes. It is not going to be easy, it is going to be really hard, but you will conquer your first major roadblock on the road to accomplishing your goals.
2. Set Goals
It's tempting to set big goals, but to start making sustainable progress, it is better to begin with manageable goals. Want to change jobs? Apply to 5 jobs and send 5 introductory emails a week, and build from there. Want to lose weight? Go to the gym two or three times a week, or go on two to three walks a week. Want to change the status of your personal life? Make an effort to be social and put yourself out there, actively ask people to grab a beverage or a meal a couple of times a week. Starting small is how you create a habit. If you run twice a week for a month, you can go three times a week the next month, and then two months after that you're running five times a week. That's a new lifestyle in four months. If you have a base habit to support you, it is easier to build on that then to go head first into running five times a week.
3. Create A Routine
A routine consists entirely of discipline. Disciplined people carve out time to get work done, or exercise, or whatever their goal may be wherever they are, and whenever they have a spare moment. Don't think you have time? Is there a TV show you keep up with? You don't anymore. Spend a lot of time on social media? Get a blocker or deactivate your accounts. You make time for things you care about, if this is a goal you want to achieve you will find the time for it. People who habitually get up and go for a run, stick to a healthy diet and have their dream job built their life by dedicating time to their goals every day- it is the only way to make consistent progress.
4. Hold Yourself Accountable
Saying your goals out loud makes them real- so tell someone you trust your goals and how you plan to achieve them. When you tell someone your goals it means they will inquire about your progress and you will have to tell them. Having someone to check in with every week or two and who you have to report your progress is like having a coach or a teacher you have to answer to- not meeting your goals will have consequences, you won't be able to shrug and move on with your life. Telling people means you are serious about your goals, so telling someone helps hold you accountable.
5. Track Your Progress
Write down what you have done: whether it is applying for jobs, sending emails for informal interviews, asking more people out for coffee, eating more salad, etc. write it down so you know how you are doing. Not only does it help keep you on track, but it helps remind you that you are doing it. You are taking real steps to accomplish your goals, one day at a time. So write it down!
6. Failure Is Integral To Success
Life happens. There are busy weeks at work, unforeseen events that will prevent you from completing your routine, disasters, your birthday, etc. It does not matter that you fail for one week or one month. What matters is you get back on track every time. Learning to shake off failure and start afresh is the only way you will accomplish your goals. Everyone fails, it cannot be a reason you give up. Keep going.
7. Exercise
"Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression," which will be important as you work your way to your goal. There will be times you are frustrated, and you will want to rely on your old excuses- but you can't. A healthy way to deal with frustration and stress is exercise. Keeping a healthy mindset is integral to making long-term, big change, and exercise is a healthy, natural way to release stress. Changing your life is not easy, so take care of yourself so you can be your best self every day.
Talent Rusere is the founder of Zimbabwe Freedom Fighters party. Talent was born at the Harare Maternity Hospital by his living mother Maufe Chidzoyo after her separation with Talen's father Hebert Rusere of Chikombingo village, chief Munyaradzi of Gutu, Masvingo. Rusere completed his primary education at Chesvingo Primary School before living for Kadoma where he did his secondary level.
In 2012 Rusere graduated his first Diploma in I.T Information and Communication Technology at Eastview Commercial Collage with the CIBA Chartered Institute of Business Administration board. In 2017, he graduated a bachelor's degree in Architecture Technology with the California Board of Architects before he started his degree in Political Science, late 2017.
Talent Rusere
For more information please contact us
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